October already! Entertaining thoughts.
Woman with baby stroller stuffed with 3 little dogs while carrying a 4th in a baby front pack. Only at the AlaMoana Mall. Exit mall - woman with toddler on a leash.
Waiting for the bus - two old men, vets reminiscing about their 60's war time experiences. They are having an animated conversation. One holds a tiny vodka bottle in hand - already empty. It's 7 a.m.
Did you ever wonder why the sidewalks in major cities always look like they have a hundred years of black and gray gum spots glued to them? And never any new ones?
I am building positive karma by tolerating the construction project nine stories down on AlaMoana Blvd. They work all night long. Such a deal - 3 a.m. welding that lights up the universe soaking through my not daylight proof draperies....monster tonka toys give a new meaning to things that go bump and grind and thud in the night. My dreams are flooded with visions of the front wall of the Ilikai crumbling down.
Did you know Waikiki was built on a swamp? It used to be a river delta with taro ponds and lots of fishing. The mall is the result of the landfill scooped out of the Alawai Canal...The canal funnels water from the "swamp" that is now a sea of skyscrapers. Ilikai means surface water...hmmm.